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Three Works Highlight Gallery Walk

MESH Art Gallery at Heritage Hall highlights three works for Gallery Walk in Ketchum, Idaho on Friday, December 29th, 2023. The works are by Fine Art Photographer Jeffrey H. Lubeck.

The event will be from 5:00PM – 7:30PM. MESH Art Gallery at Heritage Hall is located on Ketchum Town Square at 420 4th Avenue East. Beverages and special treats from the MESH Gallery Smoker will be served.

The three works represent images of the region in Winter, Spring and Summer. They complement 24 other Fine Art Photography works by Lubeck on display in the gallery for the event.

Teepee in Wilderness © Copyright Jeffrey H. Lubeck – MESH Art LLC. – All rights reserved.

Teepee in Wilderness © is of a Teepee (or Tipi) frame located in the Sawtooth Mountains of Idaho. The image was captured in the late afternoon in the heart of winter.

Tipi is a loanword from the Dakota and Lakota language. The spelling Tipi is most commonly used in Canadian-English (dictionary) and the spelling Teepee is most commonly used in American English (dictionary).

The conical shaped structure was originally covered by buffalo hide and has two smoke flaps at its top. More background on the Tipi is located [here].

Dawn on the Oregon Trail. © Copyright Jeffrey H. Lubeck – MESH Art LLC. – all rights reserved.

Dawn on the Oregon Trail © is of Purple Sage at the start of daylight hours in early spring. The image was captured near Craters of the Moon National Monument and the Goodale’s Cutoff route of the Oregon Trail. The Goodale’s Cutoff route was established as an option to the Main Trail. It was created to avoid confrontation with Northern Shoshone and Bannock Indians who began resisting the intrusion of white settlers in 1862. By 1863 seven out of ten wagons heading out from Fort Hall towards Boise used the Goodale’s Cutoff route. More information about Goodale’s Cutoff is located [here].

Sunrise in the Mist on Little Redfish – © Copyright Jeffrey H. Lubeck – MESH Art LLC – all rights reserved.

Sunrise in the Mist on Little Redfish © is of an early summer sunrise on the Iconic Little Redfish Lake of Idaho. Mist is burning off the lake and mountain side as the sun rises. Little Redfish is bulging with melt water from the snow of winter. The water on the lake is as clear and still as nature can offer. Shooting Star and Buttercups are in full bloom.

Richard Gary Brautigan’s Trout Fishing in America was written while he camped at Little Redfish Lake.

For more information about the Gallery Walk contact Kyle Lubeck (208) 309-3200 or

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McGowan Cusp of Summer Premieres

McGowan Cusp of Summer, Jeffrey H. Lubeck’s Exhibit of Fine Art Photography will premiere on Friday June 30th, 2023, at MESH Gallery in Ketchum Idaho.  The premiere will be held from 5-7:30 PM. MESH Gallery is located at 420 4th Street East.  It is situated next to Town Square and across the street from Atkinson’s Market. The Artist will be on hand for discussion.

The public is invited to attend the event free of charge. Free Food and beverages will be served.

Lubeck captured images of the iconic McGowan Peak in the Sawtooth Mountains of Idaho over a nine-hour period on the day before summer this year.  “My goal was to capture McGowan and its surroundings: during the fading light of sunset, the height of the night sky under the Milky Way and in the golden glow of sunrise”, says Lubeck.  “The effort required a fair amount of planning, perseverance, and luck.”

McGowan Night Sky Cusp of Summer © Jeffrey H. Lubeck – MESH Art LLC – all rights reserved

Lubeck’s research and experience suggested that given the sun’s angles, McGowan is primed for a superb sunrise and sunset on the days just before, during, and after the Summer Solstice.  In 2023, on the same day, a New Moon with the Milky Way Belt at its height would also occur. McGowan Peak is in the heart of the Central Idaho Dark Skies Reserve. It is America’s first Gold-Tier Dark Skies Reserve.

McGowan Sunset Cusp of Summer © Jeffrey H. Lubeck – MESH Art LLC – all rights reserved

Lubeck’s partner in MESH Gallery, son Kyle, says their plans were almost wiped away by bad weather.  “It snowed with sleet and rain almost the entire day.  However, the Weather Service predicted the conditions would break for the better about an hour before sunset and sure enough it did.”  Kyle looks forward to seeing the response of visitors to the gallery when they see the artworks for the first time.  “Given the large size and color depth of the artworks, their first response is often ‘I feel like I could step right into the picture’”.

McGowan Peak is often misspelled.  It is named for one of the earliest residents in the Sawtooth Basin, George McGowan.  Many travel maps, tourism companies, and historical websites misspell it to be McGown Peak.  Official records of the U.S. Geographical Board have the name designation of “McGowan” submitted by the United States Forest Service on February 21, 1916, and approved on June 7th, 1916.  Relatives of McGowan living in Challis, Idaho have confirmed McGowan to be the correct spelling.

McGowan Sunrise Cusp of Summer © Jeffrey H. Lubeck – MESH Art LLC – all rights reserved

During the Premiere MESH Gallery will also be hosting a party celebrating its 10th year in business.

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New Moon, Stars, Milky Way, & Pacific Ocean from Kauai

There is a new moon! The skies are clear and the Milky Way is bursting with stars.

New Moon, Stars, Milky Way, & Pacific Ocean from Kauai © Jeffrey H. Lubeck MESH Art LLC. – all rights reserved.

— Jeff’ Thoughts and Other Worthless Trivia —

There is a satellite in the upper left center traveling towards towards the horizon.  It is passing just below the tail of Scorpius.  The big white dot towards to the bottom left of the image is a fishing boat.  The ocean and our beach can be made out as well,

Equipment, Location and Other Details

Camera: Nikon Z9

Lens:  Nikon Z 20MM 1.8

Exposure: 13 Seconds

Aperture: F2.0

ISO: 4000

Beachfront at house in Waimea Kauai Hawaii

Facing Southwest

4/21/2023 5:00 AM

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The Stars and A Star Premiere at Gallery Walk

MESH Art Gallery at Heritage Hall premiere’s four new works during Gallery Walk in Ketchum, Idaho on Friday, March 10, 2022. The works are by Fine Art Photographer Jeffrey H. Lubeck.

The event will be from 5:00PM – 7:30PM. MESH Art Gallery at Heritage Hall is located on Ketchum Town Square at 420 4th Avenue East. Beverages and special treats from the MESH Gallery Smoker will be served.

The Star premiering is Babe Makes the Call. It is of a Jungle Fowl Rooster calling out to female chickens.

The Babe Makes the Call. © Jeffrey H. Lubeck – MESH Art LLC – all rights reserved.

Says Lubeck, ” ‘Babe the Rooster’ making the call with his big protruding chest and skinny legs reminds me of Babe Ruth the American Baseball player in his heyday. Both Babe’s control the show and are bigger than life.” Lubeck feels the image has a natural place on the wall next to the kitchen table to provide a morning wake-up call.

Babe Makes the Home Run Call. Courtesy Jon Gudorf Photography, Baseball Hall of Fame, and Creative Commons

The other new artworks are Astrophotography.

First is Jupiter Rising on Redfish.

Jupiter Rising on Redfish © Jeffrey H. Lubeck – MESH Art LLC – all rights reserved.

Jupiter Rising on Redfish is of the Planet Jupiter and the Belt of the Milky Way Galaxy at their biggest and brightest over Redfish Lake near Stanley, Idaho. Redfish Lake located in the International Dark Sky Reserve – first in the United States – is considered the crown jewel of the Gem State. There are only 20 locations worldwide that have been designated a Reserve by the International Dark Sky Association.

Jupiter Rising on Redfish “is the result of almost a year of planning, the delivery of a new camera system, a willingness to hike for miles in the backcountry at night, and luck with the weather” says Lubeck. “I was so pleased to capture every element I desired to be included in the image – the big tree, Jupiter, The Belt, Redfish Lake, the stars on the lake, the silhouette’s of Grand Mogul, Heyward, Braxton, Reward, and Horstman Peaks and the Redfish creek valley. “

Second is Starburst on Baldy and third in Night Sky over Sun Valley.

Starburst on Baldy © Jeffrey H. Lubeck – MEST Art LLC – all rights reserved.

Night Sky over Sun Valley © Jeffrey H. Lubeck – MEST Art LLC – all rights reserved

Starburst On Baldy and Night Sky over Sun Valley were captured as part of the same photo-shoot. Lubeck says he was pleased that usable images were captured given the difficult shooting conditions. “When I reached the shooting location it was 2 degrees Fahrenheit. There was a steady 5-10 mile per hour wind, making the temperature between -8F and -14F.”